Full Circle

   I’ve never been a traditional soul. Growing up no friend circles, not worried about others opinions, and definitely not following the trends. This mostly holds true today.

I grew up with the water under my feet and when it wasn’t I envied those who did. My earliest memories watching scallopers leaving Manasquan Inlet and my wish to be with them. My mother was less than thrilled my dream was to be a commercial fisherman when others dreamed of being doctors and astronauts at age 5-7. Not me.

As I grew so did my love for the water whether it be surfing or fishing. It’s always been my refuge from the real world. I knew it was my destiny in life to make something of it.

It was 6 years after my captains license was issued until I put it to use. Stomach in knots the night before the first charter, no sleep, overall scared. Calmed myself down, off to sleep. 4:30 am comes fast, boats loaded, coffee in hand and I’m off. My clients, a group of good ol’ boys, off the bat take my tension away. Redfish, black drum, flounder all over the gunnel.  What a relief. Back to the dock with smiles on faces. This is for me, I did it.

Still holding my rookie card, the days on the poling tower are my best. The people you meet, coaching through a tough miss, the jokes and the conversations about life. All this, many times with someone you have not known for more than a few hours, but somehow it’s like you’ve been friends for an eternity. These memories never go by the wayside.

The fire I had at five is still here and stronger at 30. I do not know where I would be if I wasn’t given my gateway to the water as a child. The good times and bad always end here.



The New Guy


Lowcountry Christmas